Positive Home Vibe

An Astrological Guide to Positive Home Vibe

Welcome dear reader! In this post, we will explore the mystical worlds of astrology, Vastu Shastra, numerology and harnessing positive energy for your home.

An Introduction to Astrology

Astrology has been practiced for thousands of years across various cultures such as Babylonian, Hellenistic, Chinese, and Vedic astrology. It studies the movements and relative positions of celestial objects and uses them to predict information and events about human affairs, personalities and more.

At the core of astrology is the natal chart, which is a map of the cosmos for the exact time and place you were born. It consists of 12 signs of the zodiac, planets, houses and other elements. Your natal chart reveals your natural tendencies, talents, challenges, and life path.

Astrology centers around the relationships between the planets, as their movements create energies that affect our lives on Earth. By understanding these planetary influences, astrology helps provide guidance on the best times to initiate activities and make key life decisions.

Harness the Positive Energies with Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra originates from India and focuses on harmonizing the flow of energy within a built space. It combines architecture, design, astrology, astronomy and sacred geometry principles to create homes that resonate with positive energy.

Vastu aims to arrange one’s home to maximize health, wealth, knowledge and spirituality. It does so by ensuring the proper movement of solar, magnetic and earth energies.

Some basic Vastu tips include:

  • Face the house main door to the north or east to harness positive solar and magnetic energy.
  • Place the kitchen in the southeastern part as Agni (fire) resides here.
  • Locate the master bedroom in the southwest as it promotes mental peace.
  • Keep the center area open and weigh down with something heavy to stabilize energies.

When incorporated properly, Vastu Shastra can improve family relationships, bring career success, attract wealth and much more!

The Significance of Astro Vastu Shastra

Astro Vastu Shastra is the fusion of Indian astrology and Vastu Shastra principles. It overlays one’s astrological birth chart onto the home floor plan to identify the optimal use of space based on one’s unique personality and life circumstances.

This astro-architectural approach boosts prosperity and good fortune by ensuring the easy flow of cosmic and earth energies within one’s home and aligned with their destiny.

Key areas analyzed in Astro Vastu include:

  • The ascendant and its relationship to various zones to identify the ruling planet’s energies.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of houses and planets.
  • Dasha periods indicating life priorities.
  • Remedies to energize weak areas and pacify afflicted planets.

The integration of astrology and Vastu provides a profound framework to develop a living space that nourishes your soul and enables your potentials.

Harness the Directions

7 laws of spiritiuality

Vastu Shastra prescribes Vastu cleansing tips for each cardinal direction to channel their unique energies:

East – The direction of self-realization. Place inspiring, spiritual items here to uplift your mood each morning.

Southeast – The direction of fire and health. Add fresh flowers, plants and exercise equipment here.

South – The direction of ancestry and support. Display family photos or heirlooms here for stability.

Southwest – The direction of relationships and rest. Place the master bed here and avoid keeping a TV to encourage harmony.

West – The direction of creativity and children. Display art, books or your children’s awards here.

Northwest – The direction of value and wealth. Keep your valuables or electronic safes here for abundance.

North – The direction of career and social status Keep items related to your career goals here.

Northeast – The direction of wisdom and optimism. Place books, altars or spiritual symbols here for perspective.

Tuning your home to harness these cardinal directions supercharges your life in amazing ways. But beware, incorrectly activating sectors can also negatively impact specific areas!

Vastu and Astrology Careers

The booming interest in holistic living has shone a spotlight on fields like astrology and Vastu Shastra. Here are some top careers:

Astrologer – Create natal charts, interpret planetary positions and provide guidance on optimal timing for life activities.

Vastu Consultant – Recommend home layouts and remedies to improve energy flow based on Vastu principles.

Astro Vastu Consultant – Design home blueprints overlaying astrology charts on top of space planning for enhanced results.

Astro numerologist – Analyze numbers in birth dates to reveal personality and destiny.

Astro-architect – Specialized architects designing homes integrating astrological charts.

Vastu app/product developer – Create apps, products and tools enabling others to apply Vastu themselves.

The holistic living movement has enabled these vocations to grow substantially. In addition to full-time careers, many offer paid workshops, YouTube channels, books and courses to share their knowledge.

Numerology for Insight

Numerology has been practiced for thousands of years in civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt, China and more. It is the study of the divine and mystical relationship between numbers and the cosmos.


Practitioners analyze the numerical values in names, dates and more using systems like the Pythagorean and Chaldean method. This reveals hidden information about one’s personality traits, inner needs, emotional reactions and paths in life.

Key numbers evaluated are:

  • Life Path Number – Basic tone and direction of one’s journey.
  • Destiny Number – Soul’s ultimate aim and achievements.
  • Soul Urge Number – Motivations and inner cravings.
  • Personality Number – How one interacts with the world.
  • Maturity Number – Challenges and potentials to overcome.
  • Personal Year Number – Primary learning for each year.

Bringing awareness to the energies and lessons encoded in numbers empowers optimal decisions. While astrology analyzes planetary cycles for life guidance, numerology reveals the repeating number sequences underlying it all.

Star and Moon Signs

Though astrology is complex with numerous components, star and moon signs remain popular for basic personality identification.

Star Signs are determined by the position of the sun at your time of birth:

  • Aries – Courageous, energetic, impulsive
  • Taurus – Reliable, patient, stubborn
  • Gemini – Curious, adaptable, indecisive
  • Cancer – Emotional, nurturing, insecure
  • Leo – Confident, ambitious, vain
  • Virgo – Analytical, pragmatic, perfectionist
  • Libra – Diplomatic, idealistic, indecisive
  • Scorpio – Passionate, resourceful, resentful
  • Sagittarius – Adventurous, philosophical, careless
  • Capricorn – Responsible, disciplined, condescending
  • Aquarius – Progressive, individualistic, unpredictable
  • Pisces – Compassionate, sensitive, unrealistic

Moon Signs represent your emotional nature based on your natal moon’s placement. Tuning your lifestyle and environment to your moon sign promotes inner fulfillment.

The Power of Prayer and Intention

Across spiritual traditions prayer and setting positive intentions are believed to activate cosmic support and grace. During challenging times or when seeking life guidance, prayers can provide an anchor. Daily affirmations and mantras keep us centered on our aspirations.

Some tips for effective prayer practice:

  • Articulate your intention clearly and positively. Avoid focusing on the problem rather than the desired outcome.
  • Raise the energy and openness to receiving divine wisdom by lighting a candle or sitting silently.
  • Give thanks and trust the situation is resolving in perfect and miraculous ways.

Regular prayer or intention-setting rituals cleanse the mind of negativity and keep us energetically aligned with our purpose and highest potentials.

Creating a Happy Home with Good Vibes

Incorporating some of the following ideas can instill your home with uplifting vibes:

  • Display fresh flowers, plants, water fountains and natural elements to oxygenate and energize.
  • Allow natural light and fresh air flow. Keep clutter to a minimum for open flow.
  • Infuse pleasing scents using incense, candles or essential oils.
  • Play uplifting music and limit jarring sounds. Chanting is also purifying.
  • Create a meditation or altar space for reflection and prayer.
  • Express gratitude regularly for blessings. Avoid criticism and gossip.
  • Prepare food with love and share meals together.
  • Display artwork, colors or symbols that are personally inspiring.

When we mindfully shape an environment that caters to our spirit, it comes alive with feel-good energy!


The mystical arts of astrology, Vastu Shastra, numerology and harnessing positive vibrations reveal potent tools for aligning with our highest potential. By arranging our home and rhythms to resonate with our personal energies and purpose, we can amplify our luck, happiness and inner growth remarkably!

This article outlines perspectives on astrology, Vastu Shastra, numerology and positive energy based on available teachings and the author’s personal understanding. For further customized analysis and guidance, please consult qualified astrologers, Vastu experts, and related professionals.

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